Registered Charity Number 1197524


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If you value Bude Haven Parish Church and wish it to remain a part of our town’s heritage, then you could help us by becoming a member.  FoBPC aims to preserve, improve and enhance the church building and keep it open as an amenity for the benefit of the community and visitors to the town.  Our membership doesn’t just include people from the local area; they come from all over the UK and the world. Many of them are not church goers but they value the existence of the building for the part it played and indeed continues to play in the social history of the town .

There are two types of membership:  Friends and Sponsors.

Friends are individuals and families who pay an annual subscription (just £10 per year for adults).  Further donations may also be made and they really do make a world of difference.

Sponsors are local businesses which purchase advertising space in the annual magazine.  They contribute the bulk of FoBPC’s funds to preserve the fabric of the church.  Via the annual magazine and links on this website, local households are encouraged to utilise the Sponsors’ goods & services.  

As a Member of FoBPC you will:

Directly contribute towards the Church’s annual running costs and to future improvements and thus help to keep Bude Haven Parish Church open for the benefit of the local community and visitors to the town.

Receive a Friends of Bude Haven Parish Church sticker for car, home or business and receive a copy of the next annual magazine to keep you updated with progress and events.

Be entitled to influence how FoBPC is run in future, by voting at general meetings (only full members are entitled to vote).

For more details about membership, please click on either Join as a Friend or Join as a Sponsor below.

Join as a Friend

FoBPC Sticker

Join as a Sponsor